Tuesday 10 November 2009

CD Cover Analysis

Arctic Monkeys

The reason we have looked at the album cover for the Arctic Monkeys is that they have a likeness to the band we are looking at and the one which we have created for our video. Alike to the band we are using they focus on indie music and have a similar target audience. We have looked at some of their videos in our pre production and so it made sense to continue our comparisons with the Arctic Monkeys and our Geometrics.
The first thing that is apparent about this image is the man who is prominant on the cover. He is framed centrally on the front of the cover and is completely in focus allowing us to really see closely what he looks like. His body language and what he is doing gives a clear indication of the personality of this man, which is that he is rough looking, casual and also the fact he is smoking shows that he follows the conventions of a youthful and rebelious person. The conventions of an indie band like the one we are using are similar, they are young and rebelious and this is shown in the video so this is a relevant image to look at.
The colour is black and white which gives it a moody feeling and not a happy tone. It makes the whole album cover more urban and moody and a bit more mysterious. The band logo is in the top left corner and is bold to draw attention, it is the logo the band often uses which makes it recognisable. We wont be able to do that although we can look at some of the logo's the band Geometics uses.
posted by Rosey

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