Wednesday 12 May 2010

Website Homepage

Thursday 11 March 2010

Monday 1 February 2010

This is the home page for our bands website.
it includes
. a menu with videos, gigs, gallery and lyrics
. links to facebook, twitter and myspace
. a playlist with the song on
. a picture cube with images of the band and rehearsals and filming
. an image of the band
. a link to subscribing for newsletters and update emails
. a box with updates and news for the band

posted by Rosey

Thursday 28 January 2010

Performance scenes

Before Christmas we filmed in our school's drama studio.
These shots where ones of the band performing, included in our music video.

We set the room up to look like a student union style gig. We wanted the feel to be as though it was a small crowd of adoring fans and we also wanted to maintain a good energy with the band.
This meant we ordered pizzas and shouted direction throughout filming to keep up morale.

Over all It went really well and looks great in the video.

posted by rosey

Monday 25 January 2010

A design plan for the cd...

This is just one design plan of some we are looking at and playing with.
To capture the playful side of the band we might have the image drawn by a child of the lead singer in the band away from the rest of the band. It shows the lyrics and story of the song and also captures a playful side. The influence was from the cover of the cure's album.

Another idea is using an image of the lanes in brighton where some of our filming is done and then having a bold font with the band name and song name over the top.

Posted By Rosey

Picture of the website so far...

1. This first image of the lyrics page, a link from the main page.
It has the lyrics from the song we have been working with.
2. The second image is the gallery link.
It has a selection of different events pictures of which the fans can click on.
(we will make links to these in other pages but wont have the images, just a description in bullet points)
3. This is a newer update of the homepage.
It still need the images but we added some animations
we also have the song on the playlist section
and have made a section for the video preview.
posted by Rosey